Tooth Fairy Workshop

Why Do We Need Wisdom Teeth when They Get Removed so Often?

Why Do We Need Wisdom Teeth When They Get Removed So Often? Wisdom teeth, or third molars, are a natural part of human dentition. Yet, many people face the necessity of having them removed. This paradox raises an important question: Why do we need wisdom teeth when they often cause problems and require extraction? Understanding the evolution, causes of complications, and solutions provided by dental professionals, such as those at Tooth Fairy Workshop in Hollywood, FL, can shed light on…

Are You a Candidate for Dental Implants?

If you’re missing one or more of your teeth, you may be a candidate for dental implants at the office of Dr. Tamara Rojas, D.M.D., P.A.  Dental implants can resolve the issue of missing teeth and fill the gaps result.  When it comes to replacing a missing tooth or teeth, dental implants are your best option.  Missing teeth can hinder many aspects of a person’s oral health.   For example, this can change the appearance of your smile or interrupt your…

What the General Public Knows About Dental Implants

  In a recent study where both dental implant patients and general public were interviewed, almost all of them argued that oral and maxillofacial surgeons are the fittest professionals to perform missing teeth replacement procedures. Moreover, according to the same research, it seems that the general public requires more education about dental implants. Learn more about this research and where to find a qualified professional in South Florida to take care of your missing teeth. How was the study conducted? To…

Developments on New Ways to Decrease the Risk of Dental Implant Failure

  Dental implants are known for being an effective way of treatment for patients. There are researchers who, nonetheless, have found that dental implants may fail 5-10% of the time. Although this is a very small number, researchers want to understand the reasons for this and develop more efficacious methods to reduce the risks of dental implant failure. Today you will learn more about this here. Why Might Dental Implants Fail? Dental implants might fail for mechanical issues, as well…