Tooth Fairy Workshop


(954) 963 - 4700


In a recent study where both dental implant patients and general public were interviewed, almost all of them argued that oral and maxillofacial surgeons are the fittest professionals to perform missing teeth replacement procedures.

Moreover, according to the same research, it seems that the general public requires more education about dental implants. Learn more about this research and where to find a qualified professional in South Florida to take care of your missing teeth.

How was the study conducted?

To conduct the previously mentioned research, two groups of adult patients were interviewed. They were asked questions about dental implants and where they acquired information about them.

The general public group was comprised of fifty randomly chosen patients located at the emergency clinic at the Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry. The general public group had no intentions to get dental implants. On the other hand, the dental implant patients’ group was constituted by seventy-six patients who had an appointment for a dental implant consultation at the university’s Dental Implant Clinic.

What were the results of the interview?

According to the research that was conducted, the biggest part of the sample in both groups agreed on at least three things:

  1. That oral and maxillofacial surgeons are the most qualified professionals to place implants.
  2. That dental implants require the same dental hygiene as a natural tooth.
  3. And, finally, that the most important factor for not getting a dental implant is the price.

At least a quarter of the general public group lacked knowledge about the existence of dental implants. Also, the biggest quantity of participants in this group had acquired their information about dental implants from less trustworthy sources.

Most of the people within this group were more prone to acquiring their information about dental implants directly from relatives, while the people within the implant consultation group were, in general, more likely to assert that their information was derived from their dentists.

What is the take-home message of this research?

People who would benefit from dental implants should get their knowledge from valid sources, such as a qualified dentist, but this is a difficult thing to do for every single person. Hence, doctors should make sure that they understand his or her patients’ knowledge about dental implants, and the exactness of that information and the reasons why patients might reject getting them.

There is, in general, a need for public education.

Suggestions for getting a good dentist in South Florida

Finding a qualified and experienced dentist in South Florida can be hard. If you need to get a dental implant and you are living somewhere in Hollywood or South Florida, then you do not have to worry anymore. Dr. Tamara Rojas is a board-certified periodontist that provides high-quality care. Dr. Rojas’ offers a wide range of services, but the most important ones are periodontal treatment, dental implants, and oral surgery/extractions.

To get your dental implants with a highly qualified and experienced team, reach Dr. Rojas now at (954) 963-4700.

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